Sunday, December 9, 2012

PINK beauty designed by Kelly;-)

A very sweet customer, Kelly asked me to create a pink stocking for her mom.  Instead of the "traditional" white feathers she chose the black feathers and we matched it with black glitter font.  

It turned out so nice that I decided to post it in my etsy store 


...and it is one of the most popular color combos I sold;-) (I think it would compete for first place with the traditional red one had I been offering it from the beginning;-)

Thanks Kelly! <3


  1. This is simply one of the prettiest stocking I have seen. Kelly sounds like someone with taste and sense of dressing. Let me know if you can make some other stuff

  2. It is gorgeous! I still make this color combo after years and love making them every time! The end result is always gorgeous!


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